Sunday, March 11, 2012

Update on Novel (4)

   I took a little break from my blog to focus on my writing. It was a longer break
then I intended but I feel like I now am more focused then ever. There is much I 
have been up to lately with my writing. I have a few projects I am working on 
  1. I am editing my first book in the Egret series called The Silenced. It will be 
    my third draft. I feel like through each draft my writing has gotten better and 
    am liking where it is headed.
  2. I also wrote an 80 page autobiography recently that I need to edit called 
    Vaguely Foreign. You can check each project out on my blog.
  3. My third project is working on the second book in the Egret series called 
    The Privileged. I am finished with the first draft. Now I will look back 
    flushing out the 20,000 word first draft. 
There is still much writing for me to do but I love writing. Each day I will continue 
to write, and write, and write until I am satisfied with everything. Then one day, 
hopefully soon, I will publish my writing so others can read the works I have
created. Will keep you updated!

R.J. Ropsen